Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Run in with a molekau!

malo e lelei famili!

first week of tranfer TWO, just busy doing Gods work mostly, its great. we are trying to work with so many people there isnt ever enough time to get everything done.

saw a bit more of the islands on tuesday drove out to talihau after district meeting to grab some stuff with elder liu, naeata, and kinikini. vava'u is so cool its just a ton of little islands, so sick. transfers were pretty busy so we were hanging with them a lot, plus they use our church for studies and net, and they give us rides to district meeting and pday, and they do their laundry with our neighbors machine so actually we see the zones quite a bit lol.

 kinikini hung out with us a bit before he left for ha'apai. we had a couple tongan elders stay over the night because of transfers. which thats fun. the culture here is basically you share everything. share like nothing is yours anymore. so yeah also if they think somethings cool they steal it.depends on the person but yeah i lost a couple of ties while i was asleep but i hid all my good stuff so i think its fine.

wednesday met the new zone elder breshears when they dropped off our cash. him and elder liu are super cool i like them alot. Liu was one of the first missionaries i met here hes way cool hes from oakland. we were at a falekai with a member so they chilled with us, ate some horse, so good. after our member was like here take 12 pineapples haha, so we gave half to the zones, 2 to a part member fam and made otai with the rest. 

with tapuaki right now just tryna get her prepped for baptism. should work out sometime in the next couple weeks im excited. teaching famili o seifana, even though most of them are inactive members, we have got them reading the Book of Mormon and they ask lots of questions i like that. taught maka the rest of the restoration i hardcore felt the spirit when i told the first vision, felt like lighting in my soul my heart skipped a beat ive never felt it like that, just testified hard to me like bam this is truth. now he just needs to read the Book of Mormon.  he lives at a inactive fams house and we got 3 of them, sia monica and asita to come to church not maka though hes just working all the time. but as long as he does some reading im happy. in the Book of Mormon are the words of Jesus and if you have faith in Him, it will lead to the truth thats all.

ahh what else oh we had fafanga at paeas again saturday i like that, his famili are homies, plus taki is a true chef he should open a restaraunt bro we had some dang good bbq.

 yoooo on sunday we taught a chinese dude who cant read and only knows chinese. palisiteni uisla'a set it up at his house him and bro shoemaker helped us out. his brother sifa is a member and one of the first chinese to set up a shop here. but yeah he translates but understands english and tongan mixed. and we gave him papers in chinese of the whole first lesson. but yeah he cant read. also got him a chinese BoM idk why we had that but that was good. he has come to church the last 3 weeks and he will come more and we taught him how to pray! we got it set up we will teach him every sunday untill hes ready for papitaiso. we will know miracles are possible when that day comes haha

had a run in with a molekau which is a giant centipede its fast and mean and really really poisonous. but yeah im fine they are just scary as.

today is a holiday here so we played rugby again this morning it was us, the zones came, filea our stake pres, a couple bishopric and a couple boys from kolo. fun time. man yall are lucky i have this alpha smart or else youd be getting like 5 sentance emails.

 ight thats all i got here this week in the beautiful kingdom of tonga, i dont apologize for the lack of pictures we get busy ima try to do better though. peace afa lahi atu kimoutolo

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