Sunday, October 28, 2018

First Transfer


yo whats up fam,

hows it goiing. it has been rainy all week and i love it. its cool and we dont get all sweaty and gross so thats nice. 

we got to go out to uta this week, which thats just like in the bush and farms and stuff. we went out there for fafanga one day it was lit. they roasted a pig and had tons of pineapple and bananas and coconuts and talo and manioke, man it was so good. they have this banana called pata its way good. the pineapple in vava'u is the best pineapple in the world i think. anyways yeah that was dope we dont get to go out to uta that often.

been teaching good stuff this week. baptism didnt go through with tapuaki cuz she was busy this week so that blows but i think its fine we'll get it done. we are teaching this old lady nau shes cool. yo we got to teach maka too and taught him most of the first lesson. he hasnt been here very long, fresh deported out of the states so its fun to talk with him cuz hes really ready to recieve the gospel of Christ you know. also got an inactive fam to come to church heck yeah! 

 one day we were just walking around and an appointment canceled so we just chilled and talked to this guy ale under a mango tree while it was raining. hes already baptized but currently weslyan hes really cool though. we were talking though and he asked us, you guys had everything in america, whats the reason why you would leave that to live here. that just kind of hit me. i told him because i have felt God's love for me. and its not able for me to forget that. i said a lot other stuff too but we just had a really good convo. plus he speaks 6 languages so he gave me some language study advice. but yeah like i still dont know what im doing but i know why im here and its good.

ight what else. i was sick on saturday that sucked. i just curled up under my tupenos and suffered all day. but im healed now therefor the work must go on right.

today was my first transfer im just staying gonna chill in my area for a while with Winterton so thats nice, kameli is tight. just been hanging out with Elder Liu, Kinikini, and Naeata all day. those guys are fun. kini is leaving to ha'apai, sad, but he has fam there so its cool. we made a bucket of melon otai today. got some coconuts from paeas house and squeezed the juice out of them. oh yeah by the way coconut water stains hardcore just so you kknow and it doesnt come out.

ight peace fam ofa atu hope you all have a good week in america!

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