Sunday, October 21, 2018

mate ma'a tonga


yo mom hows it goin this is alex, im here in tonga. whats up. this week has been good im feeling good mostly all the time. getting work done. chilling with my companion. most everyday this week we had dinner dropped off at our house we eat so much fried chicken. thursday night someone gave us fafanga and it was basically panda express twas pretty good. one day we had 4 eatings, 1 at home, one at the weslyan missionaries house, 1 at a falekai and one at amembers house right after that. just got back from getting a haircut in town, town is legit i like it i wish it was my area cuz thats where all the good stuff is. it is partly cloudy, a slight breeze, nice and cool currently, how the weather there? sorry i dont get much good pictures, what should i take more pics of, i never have my camera out when there is a good photo opportunity my bad.

yo fefe hake fam,

doing good. not homesick really, at this point im chill with living in Tonga. started the week, some members cooked us up a dog for pday. sounds bad but bro it was pretty good. i dont feel bad either most of the dogs here are mean as. when im wearing my sandals i just stay out of their way but when im wearing my shoes ill drop kick them if they get close enough

weather has been nice this week, cloudy, windy, rainy, and cool. blessed. we got hungry and soaked in the rain last night so we stopped by paeas and his boys chilled with us and we ate a bunch of bananas and papaya. good time

 we are trying to prep this girl tapuaki for baptism. they are catholic though and she needs permission from her dad, but shes ready to be baptized next saturday hopefully things will turn out. pray for it. we are working with so many people right now. we are teaching this fam from sweden in english, theyre a bunch of weirdos.  tryna teach maka, hes a g hes from oakland, really wants to learn more but hes always working or out drinking kava its hard to get a good time to talk. ha thats the same with everyone though. the main thing though is people just need fellowshippers and people to support them. oh and Book of Mormons, we have been out for a while and the mission office hasnt gotten us anymore so we really need those.

got an indian apple from one of the boys in kameli, its a big spiky green fruit and its pretty good. made some indian apple otai with my trainer friday night.

yo this week was wild. very happy time in tonga. this is my first time being here when mate ma'a tonga (tongas rugby team) has had a game. they had a match against the australia, the world champs, this saturday and it was big. all week everybody getting ready for mate ma'a tonga. they put flags and streamers and stuff all over their houses, cars, fences. the hospital had like 90 flags up. everybody wears red, some dye their hair, paint their faces red. guys drive around all day in their vans blasting mate ma'a tonga songs from speakers mounted on the top. they do floats and parades with cars and kids on bikes carrying flags sceaming mate ma'a tonga all friday and saturday, its pretty fun. the whole country gets hyped. tongans have very big heart. one of the guys at rugby on sat morning told us if they lose, nobodys going to go to church, but if they win... still nobodys going to church because theyll be out in the streets celebrating all day ha. couple guys invited us over to watch the game but the zones told everybody to be in by 630, when the game started, gotta be obedient. that morning i went hard at rugby and we started a fast so i was pretty tired by 630. i tried to study and accidently passed out from 7 to 7 the next morning, woke up a few times to people cheering loud as. they ended up losing. it happens. still die 4 tonga though

this sunday was both wards primary programs haha twas the best. brings back good memories. they sing all the primary songs in english and they sing so freaking loud even when they forget the words. their message is true. and dont ever forget, God is always there for you. whether you choose to acknowledge it or not. pray, he is there, he is listening. 

ive been waiting all week to hear how pv did at state xc... im so happy right now, shout out to my bro Julien the state champ, and David Holt congrats on the state title boys. thats what i like to hear

just got back from town, we went and got some haircuts and bought me a dictionary. no district pday today just gonna do whateva. peace

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