Sunday, October 7, 2018

Zone Conference and Massive Centipedes


yo pdays mondays from now on.

started the week with my first zone conference. twas fun. elder van beuren and save stayed over at my and elder wintertons mq because they had to come in from motu for zc. its pretty fun with 4 elders, we had a big dinner that night at the paea's house. zone conference was legit. so fun to see some of the homies. also pres tuione spoke to us some very good spiritual encouragement. told me keep trying at the language, best advice ive ever got tbh

this week has been good for the work. God is blessing us. this lady, kitiola, shes way smart in the Bible on another level. shes weslyan and her big thing is that she will only believe in the Bible, we were trying to testify about the Book of Mormon without getting in an argument and out of nowhere her heart just chilled and she said yeah i will read this and pray about it. met with a guy, Tonga, he was high as fuss trippin balls but we had a good conversation with him. his son is in the Church, and served a mission (i think) so he just saw us walking around and wanted to tell us he loves and respects the missionaries so much. he also said dont try to convert him though cuz him and his brother are just having a good time. haha that guy was so funny. after that taught a family the restoration. nailed it. placed some book of mormons. on the way to fafanga that night talk with a guy on the street. we talked with him and man the spirit was so strong. hes not a member or anything but he just started tearing up because idek why, but the people just see, we are representatives of Jesus, and they know we are doing His work.  went around with the ward 3 leaders to some less actives. taught guy named maka, hes cool, lived in oakland, knows good english. he wanted to know about the book of mormon, i was able to feel the spirit, find scrips withought using my english, and testify hard. and i know he felt it. i know God really has prepared the people here to recieve the truth.

saturday played some malimali again in the morning. still suck though im working on it. one of the counselors in the 5th ward, brother shoe maker, hes awesome i love that guy because he talks english to me hes a g. hes half samoan, played football for dixie state and his fam owns honolulu grill in stg what do you know. he married into a tongan family though thats why he lives here.

had another fafanga at paea's house down the street. they feed us so good. i need to take some pics, their house overlooks the ocean and a little bay its dope. his wife teaches seminary, his kids all know english really good, and they just always have loved having the missionaries around and we love them.

i couldnt focus in sunday school there was a massive centipede like 4 feet from me i didnt take my eyes off it the whole time. heard general conference was dope that they changed the church service to only 2 hours starting next year. best news ive heard in my life.

missionary work is hard. only thing i can lean on really though is on God and Jesus and that is enough. the people here are the biggest blessing. sometimes a member will see us walking and give us a ride. they give us everything we need. this is God's work and he provides a way for it to be done. just tryna get some ocean baptisms. ight peace bye 

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