Friday, August 17, 2018



what up famili. i miss you all but not really. provo is lit. actually the first couple days here sucked so bad but it is fun now. my teachers are way nice and chill i love them. my comp is chill. my district is super tight. there is one other tongan district here they are great guys. yeah we all just have a big loud fun time together and tell stories and joke around. haha its gonna be so fun when we all leave to tonga together.

this week has been good. elder peters and elder kauvaka left early monday morning for hawai'i. they are nice guys, elder peters really helped us out for the first while. and he was way fun to play basketball with. yeah so sunday night they came over to the residence and said goodbyes to everybody. im learning pretty good i think but its pretty hard. they make us pray and testify and teach in tongan already but its aight you just have to study a ton. the first thing elder peters told all the new guys in class was "the gift of tounges is real but it aint THat real you know what im saying. like the holy spirit can testify to people through you but it aint magic its hard work and holiness. he gave us lots of good advice. elder anderson and me work pretty good together for a couple palangi brothers. elder hansen and elder ikafanga are true homies. elder hansen is going to play football for usu when he gets back and elder ikafanga is so funny he sometimes just swears like in the middle of class because they just use d*mn as like darn it in australia lol. elder simmons worked as like a ball boy for the utah jazz so he like has all the free gear and got to hang around the players im jealous. elder tueller is so funny we make fun of him all the time, but in a loving way you know. the sisters in my district are nice and chill. it has been so nice to see some pv guys in here. me and elder miraglia and elder mcarthur got to hang out a bit on tuesday i love it, it feels a bit like im at home. or a community college. every day we just study and pray and ball. devoting all my time to learning doctrine and stuff has really brought me so much closer to Christ. 

honestly leaving for a mission was a bit harder than i thought. i have abandoned my fam, my friends, my home, my language, soon my country, i mean just everything. sometimes i would be getting like a feeling of unsureness about the mission so all the time i would pray that i would could have faith that im doing the right thing. but yesterday while i was doing personal study i was reading in alma 40 41 and 42 and alma was teaching his son helaman about the plan of salvation. it was really good and at the end of chapter 42 verse 31 my perspective switched out of nowhere and the spirit hit me before i even started to read it. as i read the last verses it was no longer alma speaking to helaman, i felt God speaking to me as his son. I felt the spirit so deep i was humbled straight away and it confirmed to me that it is right that i should be out here serving a mission. we pray to speak to God, but he speaks to us through his servants and his scripture. and i believe that he spoke to me. so yeah dont worry about me i am where i belong. but im not perfect so ill be really busy the next month or so. alu ngaue thats the motto. go to work. 

anyways love you guys. if you ever get the chance then get some in n out and throw it in some plastic wrap and send it to me lol. the mtc food is good but it aint THat good you know what im saying. its great here but im already excited to leave. oh and yeah i am only here for 6 weeks so i peace out of slc airport on september 18th i think. also one more thing, i would love to be sending everybody emails but i dont have them so if you write to me then i will write to you back. aight thats it

nofo a e

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