Friday, August 31, 2018

Big Happy Birthday & Uike Fa


i actually wasnt sure when your birthday was so i was going to ask you guys when your birthdays were so i didnt forget them but dad reminded me as well so. I just want to say happy birthday and i hope you have a good one. i dont even know how old you are, like 49 right? doesnt matter cuz i was only alive for 18 of them. I know i tell you every week but mom i love you so much i will never be able to show it enough. you are the best mom in the world i hope you know that. the best part of my life right now is being able to email you. im so sorry for all the times i have made your life more difficult. also sorry because i still dont know how to upload my pictures to my missionary email and that sucks :( i appreciate all that you have done for me and i love and miss going on trips and paddle boarding and hikes and just being with you and the family. ofa atu fa'e. i wish i could give you a hug in person but just imagine one from me ok. Happy birthday i hope you have a good day and week


sup famili. good week this week

last weekend was cool. friday me and eleta anderson taught our first trc in the evening. idk what that stands for but basically you prepare and teach a lesson to a member, for us completely in tongan. it was so bad but i think its fine. we taught about the importance of reading ko e tohi a molomona every day. even though our tongan sucked we got the message to him and afterwards he said that it was exactly the message and commitment that he needed to hear. it was brother pritt that we taught and he teaches the other tongan district (they didnt have enough members show up) so idk he mightve just been playing a part but i felt the spirit and so did elder anderson so idc it was beast. saturday the district was hit with a bit of trials. a few of the polys got in trouble for getting haircuts from another elder in r5, at night, without their comps. they all got interrogated by brother goold tryna make them snitch on each other.and he was making it seem like a huge deal that they might get sent home and stuff but everything turned out all right president clark just talked to them and said like hey stop this foolishness and dont do it again and everything turned out fine. on sunday was leadership changes. elder tueller is the new dl and elder fiso is a zl lol. another great devotional, this one from mtc pres martino. i forgot what it was about but it was good. after that we went and watched the testiments. it was really good but i dont like the guy that plays jesus in it he bothers me. hes just not the guy to me you know

monday was average. elder hansen got a burrito in the mail saturday but he couldnt pick it up until today. he asked all of us if we think its still ok to eat and i told him if it tastes good i think its fine dont even worry about it. he ate the whole thing and it was good he said. played some beast sand volleyball. we only do that when we have excersize time later though because it gets hot during the day. usually we go play 3 on 3 in the gym or indoor volleyball

tuesday there was a big rumor(that we started) that the prophet was going to speak to us today but he didnt, that was a bummer. there was decent evidence that it was going to be someone big though. we all sang in the choir though and it was really good. i didnt participate in the district discussion afterwards, im working on my listening skills. pres clark was with us and he had a ton of good insights. he told us stories and really showed us how beast the church of Jesus Christ is and it is because most of the members are truly converted and actively live the gospel voluntarily which really sets us apart from a lot of other churches. like our missionary efforts are so huge and all these 18 and 19 year olds pay to  just because we want to share the restored gospel. decent day, tuesdays kind of feel like a pday because we only have 3 hours of class i like it

wednesday we got to host new missionaries it was pretty lit. we just show them to their residence and get them started on stuff it was fun i met a bunch of new guys. it was sad though, taking missionaries from their families in the parking garage because its like i was there just a few weeks ago giving my last hugs to the fam too. it was good though i got to hang with elder mccarthur a bit and talk with him. i love seeing my school and track  friends in here. played some more sand volleyball later. did some good study and went over to r5 before bed to haze and greet the new missionaries in our zone haha if i can ill send a video it was a fun loud time. im up to at least 300 pushups a day.

yesterday was kind of sad. we got new new missionary in our district, a tongan guy from salt lake elder moleni hes serving in oakland, tongan speaking, and he got put in a triple with simmons and tueller. but that isnt the sad part. that meant me and anderson got kicked out of palangi town and they moved us down the hall with hansen and ikafaanga. it was kind of depressing moving out i really liked that room. but its lit in the new room with hansen and ikafaanga they are so funny.  we call the new room diversity town because there is equal poly and white. class was waay dope last night too. we taught the whole first lesson in english and then bro schaup had us do it in tongan. it is crazy to see how much we have progressed in just a few weeks. brother schaup also shared some good testimony about repentance and being worthy of the gifts that our father in heaven will give us. he shared a bit about his mission experience and it just really was good i felt the spirit very strong and related to everything he said. i have always done my best to repent of my sins but i feel like i just learned how to repent better here in the mtc. and its because of how much my relationship with my father in heaven has grown. because now when i repent it is with a truly broken heart because i know how much he loves me and how it makes him feel when we forget him. and also because of my respect and love for Christ and his atonement. we need to use it every day. bro schaup is a great teacher i really appreciate him

so yeah this week has been good. except today somebody stole my laundry bag while i was drying my clothes so that sucks i had to go buy a new one. whoever it is i hope they know they are going straight to hell unless they return it. the long lines here in the cafeteria used to really bother me but i figured out the trick is to start at the front instead of the back. another fun things we discovered is opening the doors in the elevator while its moving. i dont do this but every time someone does it stops the elevator and i swear one of these times its going to break. i dont encourage it. they make us do role-plays for class all the time and so me and elder anderson always choose someone from the office to be. so far creed is the hardest to teach. me and fiso and anderson have all seen the office multiple times so sometimes one of us will say a quote and nobody else gets it but we are all laughing our heads off. michael g scott is a legend. we try to lea fakatonga as much as we can and its crazy to see how much we have all improved in the few weeks weve been here. i kind of wish i could be speaking spanish because it seems so easy now but i think its fine tongan is dope as. it is a stuggle to email once a week because i feel like i leave alot out, but this email is sufficiently long i bet. sai, ofa atu katoa. nofo a e

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