Friday, August 24, 2018

week 2 1/2


fefe hake fam. im doing good. life at the mtc is alright. every day i get up at 543am, go work out with my comp, we go to class, learn some doctrine, learn some tongan, eat some good food, play basketball and some volleyball with the homies, more class, then probably study the word of god and language for a few hours, then hang out for a bit and lights out at 1030. its actually tight you know, i enjoy it. ive got good homies here

last weekend was pretty basic. sundays are really long it feels like, but good. we got really good seats along the back for the devotional so we all took a nice sleep on accident. one of our fav things to do is people watch from the 6th floor. honestly its such a fun time, we play imaginary football with the people walking below, laugh at people when they try to wave at us, lol the things that will entertain us.

monday was beast. we went outside for class and did a roleplay chillin on the grass. its just a scenario but the spirit was way strong and it was good. we have some good discussions. lol good story, that night elder palepoi's fam sent sweet rolls and cookies for everybody and we were all laughing and being loud as one of the elders told a story about getting beat as a child and the branch president walked in and we were like shoot cuz it was after quiet hour. but it was fine president clark is just a funny and chill old guy. we said a prayer with him and talked a bit then he left. we got to remember that he comes and checks in on mondays though lol.

 on tuesday night the Apostle D Todd Christoferson spoke to us. the message he shared with us was that we need to use the correct name of The Church. We are not the mormon church, we are not the lds church. We are The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We covenant each week to take upon us the name of Christ. The Lord is displeased in us that we have let other names take that place. The name of The Church was given to us by God and we have mislead thousands about who we are because we dont be calling it the right name sometimes. Mormon was a great man and prophet and we should honor and respect him, but i think he himself is probably offended when we call The Church after him. it is Jesus Christ's Church. and it is His gospel. i believe that He personally leads this his restored Church. He loves every one of us and invites all to come unto him. so yeah that is a bad mistake that we have fallen into but you know repent and improve thats name of the game and i do it every day. that was my first time seeing an apostle of God in person it was awesome.

wednesday one of my teachers sisita pinnock left for byu hawaii that was sad. she was a really good teacher and i will miss her. it rained hardcore and me and anderson, hansen and ikafaanga got absolutely soaked while we were going to study in t4. the views are great you can look over all of provo. byu campus is right there, we are just up the road from the track, you can see the stadium and stuff. we chilled with elder needham and erikson for a while they are bros. they like to look at my drivers license it really makes them laugh.

thursday was just a chill basic day. had alot of class and stuff, we dont really have free time ever except for pdays. for pday eve we all hugn out in our room and chilled and talked about the office and other funny shows. its good to have bros that are into the same stuff.

today went to the temple and did an endowment sesh with the boys. twas good. walking back a car honked at us and it was rachel prior and her mom and i waved it was really cool to see someone outside of the bubble of the mtc.

ight peace

elder hill
Provo MTC
Provo MTC

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