Friday, August 10, 2018

malo e lelei fam


whats up family. p-day for me is on friday so that's when i'll be doing emailing. I already miss you guys a little its weird I feel like i have been here a week already. I didnt figure out how to use the alpha smart yet but i might try to use it next week. also dont be disappointed I havent taken any pictures its only my 3rd day out here I am just tryna survive. 

day one after yall dropped me off they sent me through a big assembly line of workers getting stuff to the new missionaries it was crazy. they said nearly 500 missionaries arrived wednesday. after that I went to class straight away and the teacher would only speak to me in tongan lol. i met my companion elder anderson hes cool he played basketball and ran track for davis. We went to a bunch of other meetings and orientation stuff. people think they are cool saying "welcome to the mtc" like 100 people said that to us it was kind of annoying so me and elder anderson took the orange dots off our tag so nobody knew that it was our first day.  took a quick tour and then we unpacked and went to bed. the other elders in my room are elder simmons and elder tueller they nice. also the other elders in my district are elder ikafanga and elder hansen, theyre both big poly guys. elder ikafanga is from melbourne he talks with a cool accent mate. elder hansen is from salt lake and he is our district leader. also there are some sisters in our district but i didnt learn their names.

yesterday was kind of like the first day just instead of starting at 1pm we were going at 630. lots of language class, 30 minute lines trying to pick up our materials, super crowded cafeteria, getting lost and being late to class you know the basics. the islanders classrooms are all on the 6th floor so we have beast views over utah lake and mt timpanogos and provo (except for all the smoke). I saw elder miraglia and elder Tudor, that was dope but only got to say hi briefly you already know I was running late. met the branch presidency and we all had a 3 hour meeting last night. 

so yeah im doing alright I hope you guys are doing well. I feel like a different person almost. my purpose here is changed. my only focus is to learn the language and serve the lord and be able to teach faith, repentance, and baptize some people eventually. it has been pretty crazy here but I can feel the spirit quite strong. anyway bye ima going play basketball with the samoa missionaries in a bit.

elder hill

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