Tuesday, September 25, 2018

uike uluaki i TONGA

yo whats up family!

wow this last week has been crazy so ill try to just hit the highlights. internet blows out here so i might not always be able to email.

first off shoutout to all my toks from the mtc. love you all. you are all my brothers for real. good luck to everyone whos out in the field rn. also love to hoku faiakos i he mtc, sister lotulelei, pinnock, and hoku toko schaap. best teachers there are. also shoutout to gladys from the cafeteria for always giving us full plates.
made it to tonga!! my area is in kameli, vava'u, about a 45 minute plane ride from the main island. it is wild being here i love it though. my area pretty much right outside of town close to the ocean. its dope. 

left on last tuesday from the mtc. the last few days were really chill. said goodbye to a few homies then to slc to san fran to new zealand to tonga. we all made it through the flights pretty much (lost sister lotulelei in salt lake but joined back in new zealand) but we all made it to Tonga so thats beast. the islands are beautiful.when we arrived the tuiones (mission president) and the aps were waiting at the airport and we all got in a bus and drove to the mission office. president tuione is great. so is pres makai hes cool.

tongatapu was pretty legit, most everybody say motu is better though, more chill on the other islands. we stayed by the mission office that night, right across from the temple and also liahona high, church school. went to the temple. after that went to a chapel and all the trainers read out their callings. me, fiso, hansen, van moose, ikafanga, and jacobson all got called to motu off of tongatapu so we flew out the next day (except for hansen took a boat to eua). got some ice cream that night with president tuione, how dope.

friday we flew out of tongatapu around 10 arrived at vava'u, the zls picked us up from the airport and took us to our areas. got to see a little of the islands, great views to be honest.as soon as i got settled in we went to work. my trainer is very diligent and obedient so im lucky to have him. we cover two wards, its a pretty big area i havent even been to all of it yet but we walk around a ton, pretty hot, a little sweaty. it rains alot and when its not im getting sunburned but its fine. our mq is in makave. the towns we go around to are kameli, masilamea, makave and faam.

 the food here is great the members feed us every night, they believe the more we eat the more they will be blessed so thats nice. they eat a ton of meat. chicken, pigs, cows, horse, dog. i had some luhoosi (horse) its pretty good. some houses are pretty nice and some others are very poor. there are animals all over the places, tons of dogs and pigs and chickens, our neighbors puppies are cute as im trying not to get attached though. i still havent got a tupeno yet ill probably get it soon.

 the members and people here are awesome. they love the missionaries and they love Christ and they believe that anything that they can do to help us God will bless them for it. and theyre not wrong. they are very easy going nice people i like it. the kids are wild and friendly and all over the place. i talk to the kids alot because my tongan is basically child level rn. they are way cute too, american kids are ugly. in my short time here so far  ive really been able to see how much God loves all His children. the Tongan people have great faith. His gospel truly does bless all people over the world.

its been a crazy week but good. its hard not being able speak the language and communicate but im sure everthing will be fine. press forward in faith and know that God will always be with you. oiaue i miss stg

ofa lahi atu! Elder Mo'unga

President and Sister Tuione and Elder Hill

Arrival at Vava'u (1st area)

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