Sunday, September 30, 2018

Cutting up some kava


malei toks

pday is switched to monday this week because of zone conference is tomorrow i think.

pdays are fun we mostly just get the stuff done we need, do some laundry, and then get a ride with the zones to pday and go play volleyball with the district. tongans love to spike and they are way good at it. also i recieved a tupeno from my boy elder kinikini. he ran track for hurricane so thats cool hes in my district.

we met a weslyian missionary his name is monti, and talked with him a little and then he invited us in for some food. we met his family and talked for a while. hes been a missionary for 15 years, grew up in vava'u, really nice guy. it was surprising he invited us in though that was pretty uncommon i dont think lds missionaries have ever been able to talk with them.

one of the nights hung out with some of the priesthood right down our street at taki's house and helped to prepare some kava. cutting up roots and piling them up under a flood light in his yard. hes got a way nice view of the ocean too im jealous. i learned those guys names, selu, tuimoana, christian, and etu and his dad paea. tuimoana is a beast hes planning on serving a mission,used to be the rugby at saineha, weve ate at his house a few times. christian is from hawaii so he knows pretty good english and helped me to practice alot. that was good to actually get to know some of the members and young men, ate some bananas, practiced tongan, helped out when they needed.

actually most of the kids here do pretty good english and some of the adults but not the old people. because alot of the schools here are english emersion schools. saineha high, lds church school is where most of the kids i know go to. its close to our chapel. some of the guys play touch rugby there every saturday morning, we went and i learned a little how to play, twas pretty fun.

we are teaching a quite a few people, it is hard to tell who is progressing and what people need especially because i dont understand most of the time. church is basically 5 hours of listening to people speak tongan. sometimes i try hard to listen and othertimes I space out hard. but it is good, i can see myself progressing and i know God will bless me in my efforts.

im pretty sure general conference is this week so i invite you all to watch and listen. i dont think i ever appreciated conference as much as i shouldve, but it is a great opportunity to hear the Apostles of Jesus speak. 

lifes good out here in the pacific. eating alot, meeting alot of new people, tons of studying, and preaching some Gospel of Christ. coming closer to Him. i like it. bouta drop some cash on a decent tauvala. aight peace, ofa lahi atu kimoutolu, bye.

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