Friday, September 14, 2018

Last Week in the MTC


Malei fam,

this week has been just fine. super chill as always. im gonna miss all the people though. i wont be able to see them all the time anymore how sad. im very excited to get out of here and get to work in Tonga.

 had a great devotional on tuesday. forgot who spoke but before he went to the mike in front of a couple thousand people he ripped up his notes and gave a completely different talk. that takes faith honestly and if you do that you better be sure the Lord is bouta deliver you haha. He spoke what he felt, and what i got out of it most is to give up what you want, do what you know God wants and go hard. finish with no regrets. Shout out to my bro nicholas for being that example to me. 

saw a few guys i know arrive this week. nice to see them. we like to hang out on the grass by the stairs while the new missionaries arrive to check out the new crowd its fun. thursday did another skype trc to a family in tonga. the lady was so nice, at first she was just tryna talk to us in english because she didnt think we could speak tongan haha. bunch of little kids running around, i asked how big the family was she said there is 17 in the fam. what a fun household. we remembered to pray and i was able to testify with the spirit and listen and understand better. twas good. class after was fun. did grammer (my very favorite) talked with schaap about tonga. played fitu ki olunga.

  i love all my poly tokos. and my palangi boys. theyr so fun to be around. thursday night was the shiz. last pday eve in the mtc. talking, working out, messing around, eating out of the vending machines. our floor is the best.

 i have loved my experience at the MTC. I've progressed faster here than I ever did at home.NEXT WEEK ILL BE IN TONGA. cant wait. Tau alu tokos bout time to get to work. ima miss spiking hardcore on my toks and balling out everday at gym time. and cutting the cafeteria lines with the district. and just in general the massive parties we threw (jk scripture study sessions). The Tongan and Samoan districts have been the best I love these guys. we the big dogs around the mtc, i mean at least the polys are haha. 

sorry i havent been able to send pictures. i picked up a sd card reader but the computers here block the app so ill try to send some once i get out of here if I can. we check out monday at 12, fly out of salt lake at 5 to san fran, from there an 8 hour flight to new zealand, and from there to Tonga. hopefully all goes well and we dont miss our flights or anything. im excited though flying is so fun to me.

this is my last email from the mtc so i just want to share some words about my boy Jesus. I testify though email that Jesus is alive. The only way to salvation is though is Him and His atonement. He gave himself as a sacrifice to redeem mankind. The people could not kill him, He very literally gave his own life up for us. And he took it back because He is the Son of God in the flesh. He suffered more than we will ever know for the redemption of Gods children. He did this because he loves us. He loves us as God loves us. He is my friend. He is the chosen one, the savior of all worlds and people who have ever and will ever live. He is perfect and an example for everyone. He gives us hope. Dont ever forget Him because that isnt what He deserves. This is His church. This is His work. Thats why i'm out here. i say that i he huafa o Sisu Kalaisi, emeni.

elder leki mo'unga

sike got it, didnt pull up all my pics but here are a few

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