Monday, September 10, 2018

Week 5


malo e lelei famili!

what up tokos, started out the week with a couple great trc's. they actually had some members this time and we were able to teach and spit some tongan. ill tell you guys the same thing i told them, reading the Book of Mormon every day is key dont ever forget it.

lol funny story after teaching we were hanging out waiting for everyone to get done and elder tueller was talking to some teacher. the teacher never heard tongan so he asked him if he could bear his testimony in tongan. and so elder tueller starts saying his memorized prayer in tongan and hes saying it as fast as he can to show off you know because this guy cant tell the difference. anyways i walked up late to the conversation and just heard tueller praying at this guy in rapid fire tongan and i said "dude what are you praying to him for? lol he was so mad and it was totally an accident too but i embarrassed him hardcore. i had to tell the rest of the district  though because it was so funny. idk i guess its probably funnier if youve heard him pray before. we were all laughing so hard i shed some tears.

been making some serious progress on the language. i mean i still suck but me and elder anderson taught the entire first lesson in tongan to sister lotulelei so that was dope as.

cool experience with prayer. so elder hansen lost his wallet and hes been walking around with about 200$ in it along with id so he was hardcore stressing about it. we searched the whole room and he went to the gym, the front office, nothing. i told him not to worry. but next day every 2 hours he would ask if anybody had seen it. we all prayed for it to turn up and you already know hansen was praying for it. he would say to me " hey bro you think God will answer? and just kept saying of course man. i looked around the whole room again, under the beds, still nothing. later on all the sudden he runs out of the room yelling LETS GOOO and holding his wallet up, ive never seen so much joy. we were all celebrating and singing praises. i asked where he found it and he said under the bed. where we had checked multiple times. we dont know what happened. but he was the happiest guy alive that night. anyways prayer is real.

fast sunday was hardcore we had like 6 hours of meetings it was rough. but later we watched Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration and gave me flashbacks to watching it in the visitor center back in the day with the fam. that is the best restoration movie i think.

caught up with Elder Miraglia sunday night and took a pic and said see you later and goodluck. he left monday to go to the phillipines mtc. said goodbye to the zls from when we arrived they were cool. good luck to those guys as they leave to the mission field.

the new elder we got, elder moleni, is way cool. he went to hillcrest, played football for them, played rugby for west valley. he knew a couple of the guys at Pine View from football, hes a g. we went on splits with me and anderson because we didnt want to sing in the choir. hes way funny and cool im glad hes in the district. 

with the language there are good days and there are bad days. we did another trc yesterday over skype with a member in Tonga named Ruita. it was so hard. we prepared well but it just was difficult and the internet was bad we disconnected 2 times.. we did the lesson but it was tough to feel the spirit because we were struggling so bad. afterwards i figured out what was wrong. we forgot to pray to begin the lesson. no freaking wonder the spirit wasnt felt. i was telling brother schaup and he was like awe dude come on, it wasnt the internet connection that was bad, you forgot to turn on the spiritual wifi! i knew it. so yeah dont forget to pray ever. prayer is key. still though it was a good experience. she knew english well and after the lesson we just talked to her about Tonga and stuff, im so excited to go over there. Schaup actually knew her and had had dinner at her house. she lives right across the street from the mission president. 

today on the way back from the temple we started walking across the street and we made a car stop for us. i told elder ikafaanga to look first before he walks out into the street but he said back to me, nah man thats faith, cross the crosswalk with your eyes closed. so true. we all need to be crossing the crosswalks with our eyes closed having faith.

I really like the MTC but i am so ready to get out of here. not neccesarily prepared to get out of here yet, but definitely ready to leave if you know what i mean. we get our travel plans today so thats exciting. I am going to miss being with all the other missionaries though.

it has been a good week. let me know if there is anything you want to hear about cuz i only have 1 more week and im outa here

peace, Elder Hill

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